Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Fwd: FLOW™ UPDATE: Together We Raised $97,360 for Vanuatu Cyclone Relief

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We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who bought tickets in the raffle for the world's first Premium Flow™ Hive.

Together, we have raised US$97,360 to help people in Vanuatu rebuild their homes and lives after the devastation of Cyclone Pam.

Oxfam Australia is astounded by your generosity, and the contribution we will make on your behalf is the largest single donation they have received for their Vanuatu Appeal.

You have made a real difference in the lives of real people, and are helping provide food, clean water, clothing, medicine and shelter to some of the thousands of individuals displaced by the storm.

We're so proud of the community of good, caring people that has built up around Flow™ Hive and are truly inspired by the way we've all come together to provide help where it's needed most.

We'd also like to congratulate Jason A. of Washington DC, ticket number: #6720235371, on winning the raffle.

He'll be the first person in the world to own a Premium Flow™ Hive, which we're going to send out to him free of charge as the first order to roll off the conveyor belt.

Congratulations Jason!

To see the video of the raffle draw click here.

Premium Flow Hives

We have had many enquiries from people interested in purchasing a Premium Hand Crafted Flow™ Hive, like the one we had made for our Vanuatu Fundraiser.

We are happy to announce that plans are in place to make these available soon.

If you are interested in a Premium Flow™ Hive please register your interest here: http://www.honeyflow.com/shop/premium-hive/p/95

You will be notified as soon we have finalised all of the details.

Once again, thank you all for your generosity, and support. 

Until next time,

Stuart, Cedar and the Flow™ team.

P.S. Time is running out to support our crowdfunding project, there are only 6 days left before it ends!



Monday, March 9, 2015

Meeting tomorrow night

Last reminder that the March Meeting of the Cullman Beekeepers Association will be tomorrow night, march 10th at 6:30 pm at the usual place.

David Ellis, Vice President State Beekeepers Association will be our guest speaker and he will present Spring Build-up for Maximum Honey Production.  Door Prizes will be given away.

You, or someone in your family, probably placed you on this e-mail list.
If you would like to be removed just send a reply with the words remove me
in the subject or something similar and we will do that for you.

Cullman Beekeepers Association Website

Saturday, March 7, 2015

FlowHive - YouTube

Association Monthly Meeting

Hope everyone has survived the winter so far but it is time to get out of the house.

The march meeting of the Cullman Beekeepers Association will be this tuesday night, march 10th at 6:30 pm at the usual place.

David Ellis, Vice President State Beekeepers Association will be our guest speaker and he will present Spring Build-up for Maximum Honey Production.  Door Prizes will be given away. Hope to see you there.

Meeting Time Again

Hope everyone has survived the winter so far but it is time to get out of the house.

The march meeting of the Cullman Beekeepers Association will be this tuesday night, march 10th at 6:30 pm at the usual place.

David Ellis, Vice President State Beekeepers Association will be our guest speaker and he will present Spring Build-up for Maximum Honey Production.  Door Prizes will be given away. Hope to see you there.

You, or someone in your family, probably placed you on this e-mail list.
If you would like to be removed just send a reply with the words remove me
or something similar and we will do that for you.

Cullman Beekeepers Association.